Water safety tips

Summer camp is an excellent outlet for your child to try new activities and new sports. A lot of these include water! Swimming, kayaking, water skiing, sailing – you name it, they’re all popular summer camp activities. So, to ensure your child is always safe no matter the setting, here are a handful of water safety tips to discuss with your child before summer camp. 

Important Water Safety Tips 

1. Know Your Abilities

One of the most important water safety tips is to discuss your child’s swimming abilities with them. If your child isn’t the strongest swimmer, they should not be swimming in deep water or for long periods of time. There is nothing wrong with your child attempting to advance their swimming skills, but it should be done under supervision and with an instructor. 

2. Never Swim Alone

Under no circumstances should your child be swimming alone. Whether it’s open water or a pool, there should always be someone else present. While swimming with peers is safer than swimming alone, advise your child to always ensure there is a lifeguard or counselor nearby, too.

3. The 30-Minute Rule

To avoid cramping or general discomfort, your child should avoid swimming directly after eating. If they do, it certainly won’t be the end of the world! But, they are likely to feel some minor cramps. 

4. Be Mindful 

Chicken fights, wrestling, and horseplay in the water are all fun. But, they can also be dangerous. There’s nothing wrong with kids being kids, but advise your child to be cognizant of when they or others are taking it too far. 

Once you review these water safety tips with your child, learn more about Ship Camps so you can ship your child’s bags ahead of time and make their camp experience that much better.